(edited to add: My favorite sentence of your post:

"I don’t attack them, I don’t attack their information, I attack their source of information, because that’s the source of the problem.” )

I read this and thought, “aha, that’s right, mate, nice piece of the puzzle there.” The source of the problem is what people identify with. Many identify with their source of information. Has anyone else noticed a strong allegiance to the media that looks like a trauma-bond with the news? How might this bond between self-identity and trusted source of information be disrupted? Is this the root of the ouch-personal-attack-reflex in response to attacks on either the source of the information, or the information itself? Criticizing your source of info becomes like criticizing yo’ mama. Then, mockery of either information or source becomes a mocking attack on them, personally. Then we can’t have nice things like rational discourse. It’s one more way the teeming masses are divided and conquered by the ones controlling the media marionettes. Maybe I’m off-base and rambling. Let me know if you think I am. I’m just a nurse thinking out loud, trying to figure out what the hell is going on with the brainwashing I see every day. Including the best brainwashing of all: brainwashing to believe that we haven’t been brainwashed.

Take a short dip into the fascinating history of the term “brain washing” via Merriam Webster dictionary:


“Convincing consumers to purchase a product that they don’t need.”

Hmmmm…products we don’t need…the news, the shots promoted by the news…

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Malignant

Yup worth a try - may work with some people. That's what they do. (Attack the source ....although they'll attack you personally as well, what you're saying AND your source)

Not spending to much time and trouble arguing with someone that just won't listen no matter what you say reminds me of this:

"Arguing with those that have lost the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead!"

Stefan Molyneux uses psychology to argue that they do not use reason at all, only emotion.

When tested, subjects' reasoning part of the brain doesn't light up at all when confronted with a theory they don't like.


Bit From 2:25 worth watching explains how people don't allow facts to get in the way of their biases.

From 2:04 is also worth watching.

He puts it all down to brain damage from childhood trauma if you watch the whole thing. Don't know if I believe that but it's his theory.

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Hey now, be fair: no one thinks of the clown from Spawn when they think of demon clowns. No one saw that movie :)

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How about a mockumentary? Would be a popular film.

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