It’s brilliant. Remember the old meme? “Before you insult somebody, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you insult them, you’re a mile away, and you have their shoes.”

So to dramatically reduce a population of vexing humanity, get everyone to take a shot, except the limited progeny you want to keep. The shot will give the populace cancer, but not before they have maybe had a child or two (out of eight or eleven miscarriages) who will grow up to be infertile themselves. Live long enough after the cancer shot to raise the children through the night-feedings, potty training, and language-learning stages, then kindly die from said cancer far enough down the road no one can be sure it was the shot and take mitigating measures to save their own lives; then hand your angry, hurting orphans over to the state to finish raising them into a militant army motivated by blind pain. Who is this army supposed to fight? I’m not sure. Perhaps the resistors.

This all has to be funded, so the plan prevents people from dying too fast, so production from the peasant masses isn’t halted too quickly, and Amazon and Doordash can still deliver Pelosi her ice cream and vodka for lunch without a significant delay (most days anyway) inconveniencing her, until she finally dies off as well.

I guess that’s how I would do it if I were a megalomaniac globalist.

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Man the second they rolled out the shot I told my friend, “what’s that shit we spray on mosquitoes, that makes their offspring infertile? That’s what the vaccine does.”

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Female hormones; the same stuff that they spray on produce to kill off the insects.

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Wow, that's dark. I downloaded this info and spread it out to everyone I know. It turns out it's a target sequence for the liver and pancreas. There is still a lot to know about it. I suspect that the vaccine design process was very carefully orchestrated and calculated. I think the goal was always to cause latent side effects, ultimately death. But done in a way that avoided suspicion.

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Entirely new to me...fascinating and good sluething...

Like I need another medical rabbithole 😂

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Kinda creepy how an insider from December 2020 called it…

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That and the 2 affected points on the genome.

Unrelated, but of interest to our people: watch this and if you feel its worthy ,ask for it's share?


Found via DarkHorse podcast

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It was planned.

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Wow. I follow Jikky but I can't keep up with the info firehose these days and missed this, so I'm grateful to find Malignants's sleuthing here. Just when I think I've bottomed out on the creepiness, the floor drops out and I discover a whole new level of creepy down the medical rabbithole. Like Elana Freeland researches: https://rudolfsteinerbookstore.com/book-author/elana-freeland/

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Ever see those perfectly round methane blast holes in the Russian tundra?? That's them... pure, bleak,darkness so deep you can't see the bottom of it...

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Fascinating. I’ve been following the “mouse army” for a couple of months now.

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I think this is important enough to cache elsewhere in case this substack gets disappeared:


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Very good spotlight!

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You know what is interesting, the ingredients being described in the document is directed as a "manual add" at Moderna production facility.

The production engineer was first puzzled by a request to manually add ingredients to a primary product run.

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Double wow.

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Can u imagine knowing what they did, and now we do. Those guys prob took to the hills and caves. The degree of insanity here is unreal — heartbreaking what they want to do to all forms of life. Keep sharing the Truth and it will, set us free.

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Wow. If not a conspiracy then a gripping movie script.

Love the way you have made all these connections.

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